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Dawn Rodriguez: Screen name list updated. couteauetrose had been removed as she chose to leave the sl. We wish her luck in finding a better fit. Jul 23, 2014 13:51:27 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: One that note.. PLEASE open up rooms when you are online. Do not wait for one of the moderators to open a room. Any room besides the Anarchy Library, CatHouse, Blood Wolf Tattoos or Blade Records may be opened by anyone. OR you can start your own. There is Jul 23, 2014 13:52:33 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: a entire city to take advantage of. Also, remember this SL, while highly based in L.A. actually stretches out across the U.S. Play with that. Have fun with it. And open rooms! Jul 23, 2014 13:53:20 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Screen name change made on the screen name list for Lacey. Jul 24, 2014 23:42:38 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: New names added to the screen name list and one name removed. Removed- amysoulstorm. Added- ldymariusromanus and armandlebeu Jul 29, 2014 22:04:14 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: OK. Major update: Kanti [rdeathb4dishonor] is on LOA for person reasons. Jimmy [jimmycolosimo] is on LOA for family reasons. Also Mun of Cullen, Mun of Rifka, and myself will all not be around until possibly late sunday. All charries on LOA for the weekend Jul 31, 2014 14:34:50 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Ok everyone. A section has been created just for Sturgis. The club should be there by now. Sturgis is mostly about having fun so use that section to post up things you did, thoughts while there and any rps done in Sturgis. Aug 5, 2014 14:51:37 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Two new screen names added. deaconkaine and busyasag. Aug 5, 2014 14:59:23 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Please remove deaconkaine from all lists. He is no longer with us. Aug 6, 2014 13:52:32 GMT -6
Cullen Montoya: Post up for Sturgis. Feel free to add your character's thoughts, feelings, and reflections to the trip if they were there. Normal play will now resume in LA. Aug 10, 2014 16:59:31 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Tony mun is on LoA. Needs new Comp. Dami Syn is still on LOA. Needs new motherboard. Seems comp issues is going around as I almost lost mine as well. Aug 14, 2014 13:48:08 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Two new sn's added. boqinhlau and declanmcginnis Aug 14, 2014 13:48:30 GMT -6
Declan McGinnis: What's up people of the line Aug 15, 2014 15:41:51 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: I am currently on LoA until further notice. Aug 17, 2014 2:16:30 GMT -6
Alyssa Veneto: Will be on here and there the next few days. Aug 17, 2014 12:08:42 GMT -6
Oz: Welcome to the Club Declan. For the LOA's (Permanent or Here and There) Do what you have to. Take care. Hope to see you all back soon enough. Aug 17, 2014 15:03:50 GMT -6
Declan McGinnis: Sorry a lot of you are going on LOA. I understand, though. The struggle is real. Aug 17, 2014 15:51:40 GMT -6
Declan McGinnis: Thanks man :) Aug 17, 2014 15:51:49 GMT -6
Marius "Ice" Romanus: Welcome to the madness Declan, don't be a stranger! LoA peeps, take all the time you need, we understand. Aug 22, 2014 21:46:57 GMT -6
Dawn Rodriguez: Anyone that is still here and wants any info on possible future sls, one that will possibly continue this one or at the least take some inspiration from it, please message me on discord at Dawn Montoya#6969 or send me a PM here. Mar 23, 2018 2:20:01 GMT -6
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